Good evening, due to the blizzard warning Round Lake Brewster School will be closed on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025. This will be an E Learning Day. All classes will be from 8 am to 3 pm. Be safe!
6 days ago, Ray Hassing
Good Afternoon: Round Lake Brewster School will be running two hours late on Wednesday, February 19th, 2025. All classes will begin at 10 a.m. Also, please make sure your child is dressed for the cold weather conditions. If you do not feel that it is safe to send your child school due to the cold temperatures, please keep your child home if so and contact the school office with your child's absence.
20 days ago, Ray Hassing
Round Lake Brewster School will be closed today, Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Stay warm!
20 days ago, Ray Hassing
Good evening, due to the severe cold temperatures, Round Lake Brewster School will be running two hours late tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18, 2025. If you feel that it is unsafe for your child to come out in the cold temperatures, you may keep your child home, but we ask that you call the school in the morning to notify us. All classes will begin at ten o’clock a.m.
21 days ago, Ray Hassing
Good morning, the phone lines are now working. Please call 507-842-5951 if you need to reach the school. Thanks.
27 days ago, Ray Hassing
Good morning, this message is to notify you that the school internet is down which effects our phone lines. Please call 507-842-5952 if you need to reach the school. This is a service coop network issue which they are working on .
27 days ago, Ray Hassing
Good evening, due to the extreme cold wind chill temperatures round Lake Brewster Schools will be running two hours late on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes will begin at ten a.m. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
about 2 months ago, Ray Hassing
Important Update Newly Added: Friday, December 20th, will be an early dismissal at noon. Following this, our Holiday Break will be from Monday, December 23rd, to Wednesday, January 1st. Classes will resume on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025.
3 months ago, Round Lake-Brewster School District
Good Morning, this is just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, May 24th is an early dismissal at noon for all students. School lunch will be provided. There will also be an ice cream truck at the school tomorrow as a fun activity for the kids on the last day. If any questions, please contact the school office. Thanks again for having your children at Round Lake Brewster School. We appreciate it. Have a great summer!
10 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good Afternoon: this is just a reminder to all RLB families. Our preschool program is filling up quickly with only a few slots left for our next school year. If you have students at RLB and/or are a Round Lake Brewster resident you get first choice into the program. If you have not registered your student as of yet, please contact the school office to get your child signed up. Once you call they will mail you the registration materials. Thanks again for having your children at RLB.
10 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good Afternoon: due to construction Round Lake Brewster School will be closed on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024. We are sorry for the inconvenience. School will resume on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 with a regular scheduled day.
11 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good Morning: this is just a reminder that today at RLB School that we have a full day of school with the normal release time of 3 o'clock p.m. Also, if you did not pick up your fundraiser items last night, we are asking that you pick them up today before 3:30 p.m. Thanks and have a good day.
12 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good Morning: this is a reminder that today is the scheduled pick up day for our school fundraiser items We are asking that parents to please pick up your child's items between 3:30 pm and 6 pm today. This is a reminder that all items need to be kept cold to keep spoiling, and should be delivered today, if possible. We are sorry for the short notice. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
12 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good morning, Round LAKE Brewster school will be closed today, Tuesday, March 26, 2024.
12 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good morning, Round lake Brewster School is running two hours late today. All classes will begin at ten a.m.
12 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good evening, this is just a reminder that Round Lake Brewster School is in session this week. We will have our normal school day Monday thru Thursday this week. There will be no school this Friday , March 29 and next Monday, April 1, for the Easter Holiday.
12 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good Afternoon: this is just a reminder that all Fundraiser Orders are due tomorrow and must have all monies collected when being returned to the school. Thank you for your support in doing this fundraiser. This is the only fundraiser that we do the past two years during the school year. This fundraiser helps pay for field trips for students. Last year we had a record fundraiser. We are hoping to surpass it this year. Also, please note that March 28th is a full day of school for students, not an early out as originally scheduled on the school calendar. If any questions, please contact the school office. Thanks again for having your child at RLB. We appreciate it.
12 months ago, Ray Hassing
Good Afternoon: This is just a reminder to all families to please make sure your children come dressed for the weather each day. Tomorrow is going to have below zero wind chill temperatures. Today, we had many children that weren't prepared for the weather change for recesses. Our policy is zero and above go outside, while below zero temperatures students stay in for recesses. Please pay attention to the weather this time of year as temperatures can fluctuate. Thanks for your support with this. Have a good night, and thanks again for having your children at Round Lake Brewster Schools.
about 1 year ago, Ray Hassing
Good Afternoon: this is just a reminder that this Friday, February 16th is a full day of school for students and staff, and that Monday, February 19th there is no school for students and staff in celebration of President's Day. This is not a snow makeup date at this time as originally scheduled on the school calendar. All snow makeup dates have been added to the end of the school year calendar. If questions, please contact the school office.
about 1 year ago, Ray Hassing
Good Afternoon: this is just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, February 8th, 2024, Round Lake Brewster School will have an early dismissal at noon for parent teacher conferences to be held from 12:30-7:30 pm. All conferences must have scheduled times. If questions, please contact the school office at 507-842-5951.
about 1 year ago, Ray Hassing